Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lab 2 20120919

1.  Aspergillus
We learned the difference between Bisereate and Unisereate that the Bisereate has metulae on the vesicles.

1.1. Aspergillus nidulans

Pic 1 Aspergillus nidulans (bisecreate)

Pic 2 Aspergillus nidulans (unisecreate)

1.2. Aspergillus tamari

Pic 3 Aspergillus tamari (bisecreate)

Pic 4 Aspergillus tamari (unisecreate)

1.3. Aspergillus paraciticus
Pic 5 Aspergillus paraciticus

1.4. Aspergillus sojae
Pic 6 Aspergillus sojae

1.5. Aspergillus flavus
Pic 7 Aspergillus flavus

1.6. Aspergillus oryzae
Pic 8 Aspergillus oryzae

2. Mediums
2.1 1/2 PDA
Potato dextrose agar
Almost everything can grow on it.

2.2 Water agar
Only agar with low nutrient. Some fungi sporulate better under low nutritious condition. They may try to get rid of the bad conditions.

2.3 Corn meal
It is good for plant pathogen to grow.

2.4 Rose Bergal
It has red color and have to be stored in dark, containing some antibiotics.
It is good for samples collected from the soil.


  1. Biserate Uniserate.

    Rose Bengal is a dye that suppresses bacterial growth.

    1. Thank you! I typed what I recorded on my notebook. I should search the internet to ensure it is right~~
